We are partners
in the success of
your real estate project.
Terrace of the Néo project in Saint-Léonard
The success of a real estate project depends on a seamless strategic planning process, a well-managed construction site and an effective marketing approach. That's why we're with you from the earliest stages right through to the completion of the sale or rental, making sure that every step is handled masterfully.

As a partner, you gain access to our specialized in-house expertise in real estate development, our extensive construction experience and our solid network of trusted collaborators.

Residential, commercial, industrial: whatever the scope of your vision, no project is too small or too big.
OUR 5 major strengths

Expertise in predevelopment

Our expertise enables us to quickly identify your project’s levers and obstacles, validate good ideas and find innovative solutions to potential problems. This enables us to develop properties that are durable, attractive, popular and, most importantly, profitable.

Property development


Everything begins with the site. We start by identifying its potential using our team’s experience, creativity and expertise. Our greatest strength is planning, designing and developing in detail the best possible real estate project based on the sector, market and profitability.

  • Market, feasibility and social acceptability assessment
  • Design and validation of the real estate project
  • Financial analysis
  • Municipal infrastructure
  • Direction and management by professionals (for example, architecture, engineering)
  • Application for permits
  • Financing

Project management

ensuringthe work goes smoothly.

The plan needs to be implemented with expertise. Our accessible and proactive team of professionals manages every phase of the construction project efficiently and methodically. That’s how we achieve the final goal: meeting investors’ expectations within budget and on time.

  • Coordination of the various professionals
  • Construction progress monitoring
  • Timeline validation
  • Budget validation
  • Quality control
  • Problem solving

Marketing and sales

OPTIMIzing project performance.

Good marketing drives sales. We take the needs of future buyers into consideration starting at the predevelopment stage. As a result, our properties sell quickly. We collaborate with real estate marketing professionals from the outset. This proactive approach makes all the difference for project profitability.

  • Analysis and recommendations starting at the project design stage
  • Network of experienced sales professionals
  • Performance reporting and sales analysis